Urban Studies

Aidan Dillon received a degree in Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota in 2022. He conducted his studies within the “Urban Infrastructure and Environment’ track.

Urban Infrastructure

and Environment

“This sub-plan offers courses that provide an understanding of environmental and health hazards in urban areas, issues concerning the built environment and urban infrastructure, and legal and public policy frameworks designed to manage the challenges provoked by these issues.”

-University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts

Community Connections to Nature in the Twin Cities

Exploring the differences in values and priorities for the natural environment in urban neighborhoods in the Twin Cities area and how that aligns with the access residents have.

The paper is meant to aid researchers from the MSP Long Term Ecological Research Site Program in better understanding urban nature and how to improve environmental outcomes for all residents within the Twin Cities and beyond.

URBS Senior Capstone 2022

A Budget is a Moral Document Zine

The City of Minneapolis budget is lengthy, confusing, and inaccessible, yet it holds heavy importance for the public and all Minneapolis residents. Community members deserve to understand how the budget works, especially in times of elections and other civic engagement opportunities.

This zine breaks down and answers questions that residents may have about the city budget, including where the money comes from, where it goes, and how people can be involved.

This zine was distributed to middle school and high school students and includes a supplemental survey that guided inspiration for a mural on The Hub Bike Co-op’s wall at Lake and Minnehaha.

The Art of Ethical Engagement, Spring 2022

North Loop Technical Memorandum

Reporting the demographics, economic drive, land use, transportation, and street infrastructure and design of the North Loop neighborhood of Minneapolis through a technical report.

Urban Streetscapes (Spring 2021)

District Del Sol Technical Memorandum

Assessing the District Del Sol neighborhood of Saint Paul, Minnesota, through regional context, commercial activity, demographics, transportation, sense of place, history, and street infrastructure and design.

Urban Streetscapes (Spring 2021)

White Bear Lake Technical Memorandum

Assessing the area of Downtown White Bear Lake through regional context, commercial activity, demographics, transportation, sense of place, history, and street infrastructure and design.

Urban Streetscapes (Spring 2021)

Buying Up Communities

An exploration of private equity firms and corporate landlords in historically redlined communities. The report uses GIS data to track parcel ownership across multiple US cities, mainly focusing on North Minneapolis.

Advanced Urban GIS (Spring 2021)

Legal Report on Land Use Redevelopment

Legal Perspectives on Urban Land Use and Development (Fall 2020)

Fighting for the Affordable Neighborhood

Research on Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood and its relation to outside developers, land use, and gentrification.

Cities, Citizens, and Communities (Spring 2020)

Image from Chicago Architecture Center




Landscape Design